Doodle While You Noodle

Grappling Between Both Sides of the Brain

At times, the right side of the brain, the creative side, seems in conflict with the left side of the brain, the logical side.  However, there is one activity that you can do that will engage both.  I call it Doodling while you are Noodling. 

Noodling & Doodling

Do you know what noodling on something means?  It means to mull over, to think about, contemplate, ponder, or to brainstorm.  If I need to go noodle on something, it means I need to think about it, mull it over in my mind.  And of course, then there is the doodling.  To doodle is drawing while a person's attention is otherwise occupied.  Doodling is a right-brain action.  Noodling is a left-brain action.  The act of doodling and the act of noodling can be done simultaneously and use both sides of the brain concurrently. 

Sometimes, people do this while they are sitting in a meeting.  They can be listening and doodling at the same time.  People can do this to disengage in the meeting, but something creative can result if you stay engaged while doodling.  Sometimes people doodle while talking on the phone.  When you combine these two functions, something creative and wonderful may just come up to solve a problem you are facing. 

Doodle to Your Heart’s Content

Doodle on chalkboard

Maybe you should try it.  Grab a pencil and start to doodle. Go ahead; try it.  Try doodling for 5-10 minutes before you go into a big brainstorming meeting.  Let your mind rest and relax.  Let your mind warm-up to something creative.  You will need it when you start that big brainstorming session. 


Grab some Crayons

The other option is when you must solve a problem by yourself.  Grab a pencil or crayons and at the same time identify the problem you need to solve.  Then, simply noodle on the problem while you are doodling.  You may find you want to grab some colors out of the crayon box or marker box that express how you are feeling at the time.  Red or black might have a lot of emotion to them; greens might spark some new life, blues might calm some things.  It doesn't matter.  Pick some colors that you want and go for it!  Make marks that you are feeling.  In essence, get the right side working with the left side of the brain. 

Don’t just doodle aimlessly

Make sure you are noodling and thinking about your problem.  Remember, the right-side brain "wants to help" his left-side brain cousin.  Together they might come up with a solution to a big problem.  Do this for 10-15 minutes.  See what kind of solutions you can mastermind.  Write them down.  You may generate a lot more options than you would otherwise. 

Doodle while you Noodle and Keep the Creative Edge.   

Do you want some more ways to activate both sides of the brain? Deeksha has some great exercises at as well as

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