Surrounded By . . .
Oil on Canvas over Board
20 x 30 inch
Price: $2250
Story Behind the Painting: There were so many aspens around me that they almost engulfed me. Yet, I never felt overwhelmed by those surroundings. The colors were so full and vibrant. I felt as if everything around me was hugging me in some way. As I painted this, I felt a great desire to portray the feeling of being surrounded and immersed in the fullness of beauty. I wanted the painting to feel tactile, with the visual perception of something very tangible in front of the viewer.

The Colors of Joy
Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
24 x 48 inch
Price: $3680
Story Behind the Painting: I had so much fun painting this fall mountain scene. It has so many things that brought me joy. When I first experienced this vista, the colors were at their peak and seemed extra vibrant. The landscape before me appeared pulsating, energetic, and alive. I soon realized that the size of this painting needed to be more prominent to capture all the fullness of what was stirring inside. All of this moved me to create "The Colors of Joy."

Ever Changing But Always the Same
Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
16 x 20 inch
Price: $1050
Story Behind the Painting: As I gathered photo references on an early fall day in Colorado, I saw this small side road off to the right. It intrigued me so much that I stopped my vehicle, got out, and walked down the road a bit. With the overcast skies, I loved the feelings that stirred inside me as I took in my surroundings. It might seem natural to think about changing seasons when fall comes around, but those feelings intensified by the scene unfolding before me. The overcast day and reflective mood caused me to see how things change, even when other things seem to stay the same. I wanted this painting to convey those reflections and the thoughts I contemplated that day as I took the small journey down this quiet road.

Quiet Place
Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
14 x 18 inch
Price: $950
Story Behind the Painting: This particular area has a trail that winds around a body of water. It is one of those places that invites you to settle in and spend some time. It was so quiet and peaceful when I was here on a beautiful autumn day. There was no wind, and it seemed like everything around me was very still. In fact, it was so still that it seemed like my senses were heightened. I could hear things I would not typically have heard on different days. I could hear the birds. And as I walked, I could hear the crunch of the drying grasses and drying leaves under my feet. The smells were clear and crisp. It was a very unique experience in this regard. As I painted this, I wanted to capture the amazing feelings of the quietness and the heightened awareness I encountered that day.

Out to Pasture
Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
16 x 20 inch
Price: $1950
Story Behind the Painting: A traditional western ranch idiom talks about going “out to pasture.” It essentially means putting the animals out in the grassland where they can freely graze for the day. I wanted to capture the feeling of lazy grazing, not having to work too hard; everything is being provided right there. It is like, "Take a bite, take a step, take another bite, take another step, etc., etc.," There is no fighting for green grass and no struggle to survive. The fence is there, but it really isn't much of a concern. Everything is fine. In being “out to pasture” time has slowed down and there is a contentment that leads to loving life.

Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
16 x 20 inch
Price: $1950
Story Behind the Painting: I was taking a walk with my wife along a boarded path. There was a small body of water off to the side. I was enjoying the walk and appreciating all the beauty I was experiencing. The tree was nothing special. It was mostly dead, yet part of it was still alive. I kept walking until something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. Amongst the entanglement of the thicket, this bird perched itself on one of the branches. At that moment, I felt so many things, the primary being, "I have to get my camera without scaring off this bird." What captivated me most was the way the tree entwined into itself, and the bird blended into those entwined surroundings. I thought, "How did I almost miss this?" and then, "What was this bird waiting for?" I could tell that the bird was alert and watchful, yet it also seemed to be relaxed, seemingly protected by everything around it. The branches interconnecting with the bird and vice versa mesmerized me as I pondered the close association between the two. The intertwining bound it all together.

Radiant Sunrise
Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
16 x 20 inch
Price: $1050
Story Behind the Painting: Early one day I was leaving for a road trip across our great country. It was almost dawn, and I could tell that I was about to witness a beautiful sunrise. Oh my, was I surprised! The sunrise that appeared was more than amazing. It was magnificent! I wanted to capture everything that I felt at that moment. The intensity of the colors and the dramatic contrast were all nestled in the perfect conditions of the coming day. All I could say when I saw it was, "Wow, that is one Radiant Sunrise."

"No Pretense"
Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
16 x 20 inch
Price: $1050
Story Behind the Painting: The unique composition of this landscape is what first drew me into it. The scene as a whole, rather than any individual aspect, caught my attention. There were two trees on each side of the uncomplicated, simple structure, and strong shadows were moving across the landscape with an ever so slightly pinkish light. I liked the idea that this was a place where I could go and simply be myself without any pretension or pretext. As I was painting the magnificent countryside, I felt the inspiration was to encapsulate the idea of being in a place where there were no presumptions of any kind. It had to be simple, peaceful, inviting, and it needed to convey the assurance that everything would be okay as I made my approach.

Slowly Changing
Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
16 x 20 inch
Price: $1050
Story Behind the Painting: I have driven by this barn many times and have always wanted to do a painting of it. I don't know why, but I always enjoyed seeing it. Maybe it was because it was always there, very constant and quiet as it stood off in the distance. There seemed to be a steadiness to it that was unhurried by time. There never seemed to be a lot of activity around the place and for the most part the scene was undisturbed. Yet I also knew that because of the passing of time some changes were taking place. It was the slow and steady change of an otherwise constant picture that drew me to create this painting.

"Come & Stay Awhile"
Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
48 x 72 inch
Price: $8300
Story Behind the Painting: I took a cross-country trip recently and was deeply inspired by what I saw when I came upon this Tennessee farmhouse. Although it is in Tennessee, it is so familiar that it could be anywhere. I love so much about this simple country home; the durability of the structure, the patriotism of the flag, the invitation of the porch, the welcoming setting surrounding the structure, and all the feelings that seemed to be associated with what I was seeing. In my mind, the entirety of the picture seemed to carry several stories within it. As I was painting this piece, I wanted to convey the feeling of being able to join friends or family at a place where there is an unspoken invitation to come, hang out and stay as long as you want. I needed the painting to be sizable in order to command the same magnitude of an invitation that big. Thus, the size of this painting is a whopping 48 x 72 inches. Come & Stay Awhile has many noble ideals that are a part of the painting and seem to convey the essence of "American pride and hospitality." I hope that as you view this painting, you can envision the memories you will make as you accept the open invitation to walk up to the house and stay awhile?

"Lighting the Day"
24 x 16 inch
Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
Price: $1250
This painting can be purchase from The District Gallery (thedistrictgallery.com) 865-200-4452
Story Behind the Painting: I took a photograph of this scene years ago, and since that time, whenever I came across it, I said to myself, “I really need to paint this.” Yet, for whatever reason, the inspiration for the painting never fully developed until now. I was so excited when it finally began to come together as a painting. I really love how the early morning light is sweeping across the river. It gives me the feeling that it is going to be a great day. It is full of possibility, hope and promise and it feels as if no challenge is too great because I am ready for whatever comes my way.

"Deep Reflections"
16 x 20 inch
Oil and Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
Price: $1150
This painting can be purchase from The District Gallery (thedistrictgallery.com) 865-200-4452
Story Behind the Painting: I was doing some exploring outside of Knoxville, TN, and came upon this body of water. What caught my eye was the reflections coming across the water. I knew the body of water was not very deep, but the reflections “felt deep.” It was those deep feelings that inspired this piece. I wanted to capture what it was like to have depth as a source, while periodically displaying a shallow surface.

"Tucked Away"
16 x 20 inch
Oil and Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
Price: $1150
This painting can be purchase from The District Gallery (thedistrictgallery.com) 865-200-4452
Story Behind the Painting: I stumbled upon this little gem just outside, Sweetwater, TN. This place was not very far off the main road, but it felt like I was drawn back, into its world. I felt like there was something back there to explore, something beautiful and fantastic—almost wonderous. In some ways, it felt like a small child with the wonderment of discovery and the excitement found in the little things. It was these exciting and playful feelings that inspired this piece.

The Blues Aren't So Bad
16 x 20 inch
Oil and Mixed Media on Canvas over Board
Price: $1150
Story Behind the Painting: This painting was inspired by the colors of the night. When you first see this painting, you immediately see the color blue. Then you notice a landscape in the night, often called a nightscape. Upon further observation, you will detect other colors inside the blues. In fact, you might even discover other details that you didn’t see at first glance. There is an unfolding as you view this scene. You may realize that several metaphors come to mind as you ponder this painting. Either way, one thing you will discover is that ‘The Blues Aren’t So Bad’ after all.